Friday, January 23, 2009

The "Experts"

Ever noticed how all of the "experts" in the field of health, nutrition, fitness, and/or medicine believe their beliefs should be YOUR beliefs....because they're the RIGHT beliefs??! It's as if they think that because something seems to be working for them, the entire planet should adopt it. Whether it's an exercise regime, the newest superfood or hottest Big Pharma is THE answer to YOUR problems! I'm not contesting modern-day advertising, selling practices or any other pursuasion methods of our health care providers or nutritional experts. I'm merely wanting to explore the possibilities that each individual body is perhaps unique. Could we possibly have different physical/nutritional needs in different seasons of our lives? Is it possible that because we have different blood types, we may have different requirements to keep our individual bodies running at optimum levels? What I'm most curious about, however, is whether we have the possibility of knowing what is best for our own bodies over and above what the practitioners recommend. Is there some built-in GPS within each of us that can show us the way. Hmmm....

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