Monday, February 16, 2009

Pharmaceuticals and the Cleansing Process

The purpose of cleansing the body is to remove toxins, restore balance and renew our energy levels. Pharmaceuticals, whether prescription strength or over-the-counter ARE toxins. They are intended to suppress symptoms. Think about it, the last time you were visiting with your doctor didn't he or she ask you what symptoms you were experiencing so they could make the "proper diagnosis...proper prescription"? Of course they did; that's how they're trained to treat the treating the symptoms. The medical community at large has yet to prove they are truly "cure oriented".

Here's a common scenario in most pharma households. Someone gets a runny nose, so they take an anti-histamine. It seems to "solve" (or suppress) the problem for a little while. The sniffles stop, no more runny nose and sneezing. A little while later, maybe a few days or a couple of weeks, the sinuses become very congested. Now, there's thicker mucus and probably coughing. Cough syrup is given to stop (or suppress) the cough. This time, though, there's also a fever...more meds to "bring down" (or suppress) the fever. Maybe this course stops the symptoms for a little while, or perhaps they progressively become more severe. Off to the doc now for a prescription...must be a sinus infection. The only way to "cure" (or suppress) the symptoms is with some more potent chemicals. Finally, some relief! But, is it??

You see, the nose runs because there are toxins in the respiratory system that the body is trying to eliminate. A chemical anti-histamine stops the body's cleansing process and stagnates the beneficial fluids in the sinuses. This creates a cesspool of bacteria, which is a perfect breeding ground for infection. The antibiotics applied to the infection will only suppress it, not cure it. What began as the body's natural, healthy response to detoxify its respiratory system has been stopped in its tracks. The body is now under a full-blown assault of chemical drugs that it cannot combat. It surrenders to the drugs...temporarily, that is. Those same symptoms will come back with increasing strength every time (which is why your doc is always prescribing stronger prescriptions to rid you of the same symptoms).

I bring up this scenario because cold and flu-like symptoms are possible when the body is clearing and detoxing. Taking anything chemical in nature is counterproductive and will inhibit the body's efficiency at eliminating the toxins. Giving yourself extra rest and clean water will support the body. The clearing symptoms will pass quickly and your energy levels will be restored, leaving you feeling amazing!

Happy detoxing!! :-)

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