Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Supporting the Body in the Cleansing Process

An important reminder for fellow detoxers....

The body may occasionally experience a mild to moderate "healing crisis" during cleansing. This can manifest as cold or flu-like symptoms, headaches, etc. The first time I did a parasite cleanse, I was in bed for three days with severe symptoms. That was a very harsh cleanse, though...NOT recommended for first time detox unless there are disease symptoms that would warrant it. If the body is tired, let it rest. Lots of clean, pure water through the system is perfect.

[Side note: I actually found a "Waning Moon" detox tea by Sonnentor in a local health shop. If you want to concoct your own version, the ingredients are blackberry leaves, stinging nettle, elderflowers, apple pieces, green tea, rosehip, and marigold. It's deeeeLISH!]

BodyRight's MegaCleanse and MegaCleanse EX supplement designer, Brenda Swartz, explains it very well in this article.

Removing the Toxins

The only reason people fail with their new nutritional program is that they lack the understanding of how the body works. They can be misled to believe that they felt better with their old habits and diet before they took these superfoods. They fail because they do not give the body a chance to adjust and complete its phase of cleansing and recuperative action. If they would just wait a little while longer, they would begin to feel much better than before they started. The body’s power has actually been increased due to the cleansing process. But, since this increased energy is being directed to the internal vital organs to start reconstruction, we don’t experience this as we would an external energy rush like we would get from caffeine or ephedra. The mind misinterprets it as some weakness. Any weakness felt here is not true weakness but merely a gathering of forces for the rebuilding of more important internal parts. It is essential for us to stop wasting energy and to rest and sleep more. It is important to have patience and faith and just wait it out, realizing that the years of improper diet and build-up of toxins are the only reason for our temporary discomfort. The body is actually rebuilding and strengthening itself during this crucial phase. After a short time, we will feel much better than before we started the program.

First Phase—Cleansing Out the Sludge

As one continues on the improved diet and gradually raises the food quality, interesting symptoms begin to appear in the first phase, called catabolism. The body begins a process called “retracing”. The cellular intelligence immediately starts getting rid of the toxic build-up throughout the body. Excess bile in the liver and gallbladder is sent to the intestines to trigger the process of elimination. “Sludge” is moved out of the arteries, veins and capillaries, and deposits are cleaned from the joints. The herbs and superfoods in the MegaCleanse begin to rid the body of toxic build-up from irritating food preservatives, sleeping pills and drugs, along with masses of excess fat which have taxed the system for so long.

Next Phase—Forming New Tissues and Increasing Energy

The second phase is called stabilization. During this phase, the amount of waste material being discarded daily is equal to the amount of tissue which is being formed and replaced by the newer, more vital and nutritious food. This occurs after excessive, obstructing toxins in the tissues have been removed. This stage is followed by a third stage, called anabolism. Because of the improved assimilation, new tissues are now being formed faster, are more durable and don’t break down as easily. We are setting good habits and have lost our craving for the poorer quality foods. We are now able to maintain our ideal weight!

Dealing with the Symptoms

Those who have maintained a healthy lifestyle in the past and have not abused their bodies with toxic substances and overeating will have reactions ranging from almost nothing at all, to very mild. Those who have eaten quantities of refined sugar, refined flour, highly preserved foods, animal fats, etc., and poisoned their systems with alcohol, drugs and stimulants, will experience more severe symptoms. This is because their liver, kidneys and other important eliminating organs have been damaged. When their body has been renovated to the point of fair working order, they will no longer produce symptoms. Even though you may be one of the few who does follow all the rules of proper nutrition, you must realize that it is almost impossible not to take in a certain amount of toxins and heavy metals with the very air you breathe and water that you drink.

The symptoms will vary according to the materials being discarded, the condition of the organs involved in the elimination and amount of energy you have available. The better care you take of yourself, exercising regularly and getting plenty of rest, when symptoms are present, the milder they are and the more quickly they are terminated. Be happy you are having symptoms, realizing that your body is becoming younger and healthier every day because you are throwing off more and more wastes, which would have eventually brought pain, disease and much suffering. Those who have the worst symptoms and reactions and stick with the cleansing process are thus avoiding some of the worst conditions which would eventually develop if they continued their careless habits.

Every great physician or scientist who has ever lived has marveled in awe and humility at the wonders and resilience of the human body. Let us give ourselves a chance to experience what it means to be really healthy and fully alive! This can be accomplished only by taking care to put the highest quality foods into our bodies and eliminating the low quality toxic ones.

The important thing is to ALLOW the body to detox properly. DO NOT use pharmaceuticals to attempt to control the symptoms. They are toxic chemicals that will actually suppress and inhibit the cleansing process. More on that tomorrow...

Happy cleansing!! :-)

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